Thursday, August 25, 2005

that beer is dinner

Last night I had beer for dinner.

So, I guess when it comes to my assertion that beer = dinner I'm . . . RIGHT AGAIN!

Monday, August 22, 2005

about cooking

My boyfriend is reticent to cook.
He likes to order in
or eat out
or have something pre-prepared.

But he went to Vermont and brought back all of this syrup - in many infused flavors.
So we needed to try it.
And he has a waffle maker.
So we needed to try that too.

So I made the batter
And he read the instructions
And working together we made the BEST batch of waffles EVER.

They were delicious
He admitted he had fun.

So, it seems, that when I say it's good to cook at home I am . . . RIGHT AGAIN!