Monday, October 10, 2005

accordion bellows


I'm not right about this YET because it hasn't happened.

But I keep predicting things and then they come true and I'm all "I KNEW that would happen" and everyone's all "Yeah yeah sure you did." So this time I'm making a record where probably no one will find it but where I can point it out later with it's date stamp to prove that i'm ahead of the curve. because I am.

Here's what it is:
People should put cool pictures - most likely candidate would be old-school pin-ups - inside their accordion bellows so that as they open and close the bellows enticing pictures are revealed and hidden again. It would be so tantalizing and the sexiest thing to happen to the accordion since . . . well . . . probably ever.

So mark my words.
This WILL come to pass at which point we will find that I was . . . RIGHT AGAIN!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

about Tia Pol

I went to Tia Pol a couple of months ago with my friend jon and we loved it. it was great! we fully recognized its tapas-superiority and i was psyched to bring my friends back in droves.

cut to: this weekend's NY Times magazine section which features . . . Tia Pol! And which also made mention of two other favorites, Prue and 'ino!!

Now it'll be too crowded at any of those places to get in for months.

Nevertheless, let it be duly noted that when it comes to Tia Pol I am . . . RIGHT AGAIN!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

about the comedy group The State

I always loved The State.
I watched them in High School and my brother and I still have inside jokes and punch lines from their skits that we repeat.

So I went last night to see "The Baxter" a new movie written by, directed by and staring Michael Showalter of The State, and featuring others, like Michael Ian Black and David Wain (who has, arguably, the funniest monologue of the film).

It's an excellent movie. Very funny. Very well made and acted.

I've always loved The State and as their members continue to shine on, it seems clear that I am . . . RIGHT AGAIN!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

that my boyfriend makes good music

he thinks so too
but he's less sure of himself.

he was wanting to participate in a music festival
and he gave the organizer his band's demo
and then he wondered really hard if they'd get in.

i told him that the organizer would surely fall to his knees and acknowledge his superiority

and then

they were asked to open the festival!

i've banned low-music-self-esteem

and declared myself . . . RIGHT AGAIN!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

that beer is dinner

Last night I had beer for dinner.

So, I guess when it comes to my assertion that beer = dinner I'm . . . RIGHT AGAIN!

Monday, August 22, 2005

about cooking

My boyfriend is reticent to cook.
He likes to order in
or eat out
or have something pre-prepared.

But he went to Vermont and brought back all of this syrup - in many infused flavors.
So we needed to try it.
And he has a waffle maker.
So we needed to try that too.

So I made the batter
And he read the instructions
And working together we made the BEST batch of waffles EVER.

They were delicious
He admitted he had fun.

So, it seems, that when I say it's good to cook at home I am . . . RIGHT AGAIN!

Friday, June 24, 2005

about my boss's hair

all week this week, my boss has been fretting over her hair.

she's trying to grow it out and it keeps not looking the way she wants it to.

she puts it up.
she takes it down.
she said she uses hot rollers, like, all the time.

stop! i said.
you have a good hair cut.
stop working against it.
let your haircut be what it is.
maybe use a little product.

but i need body, she said

blow dry upside down, said i.

so she did.

and she came in yesterday, thrilled (and looking good, by the way)
and she came in today, thrilled and reporting that her husband, son and sister had all remarked favorably.

we're not sure why, but i seem to know something about hair.

and in my boss's case, it seems that I was . . . RIGHT AGAIN!